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Annie`s Pups

Just a few of the family`s with their new Pup. Beautiful!!

Scripa`s and new pup Yuki

The Masterson`s son with (Cotton)

The Jone`s (Sanibel Stormi Rose)

Sidney Duke & mom

The Sanderland`s

The Jone`s

The Hoskin`s

Jayne Seymore

Kayce & Kent 

Just a few of the family`s with their new Pup. Beautiful!!

Scripa`s and new pup Yuki

The Masterson`s son with (Cotton)

The Jone`s (Sanibel Stormi Rose)

Sidney Duke & mom

The Sanderland`s

The Jone`s

The Hoskin`s

Jayne Seymore

Kayce & Kent 

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